In the last week of June, Lobo HR conducted an „Employee Satisfaction Survey”. 95.8 % of the respondents declare that they like the company they work for.The thriving Lobo HR has already achieved many spectacular successes, but this one is by far the biggest!
91.6% of our employees believe that Lobo is a friendly place to work and 85% will confidently recommend Lobo to their friends as a conscious and reliable employer. 91.7% of respondents believe that Lobo cares about the comfort of their work, while 87.5% believe that the atmosphere in the company is conducive to both work, development and fun.
95.8% of our employees believe that Lobo employees are encouraged to share their ideas and that their voice is important and heard.
Dears, thank youfor your numerous participation in the survey. Congratulations to ourselves! Because it is us who make Lobo HR what it is every day!